Sunday 19 February 2012

Starting The Project

This is my checklist for this week which I have managed to complete

1. Identify a class for this project
2. Assign them in groups. (3 students in 1 group). Since the girls out number the boys there will be 2 girls and 1 boy in each group.
3. I have given the students a guideline on how to set up their own blog. Groups/ any members of the group who already have an existing blog can continue to use their own blog for this project if they wish to do so.
4. Their first task is to write an argumentative essay in groups by Wednesday (22nd Feb) and publish it in their blog.
5. Students can work on their blog out of classroom time. 

That's all that I've done this week. I hope to see how they correct other group's essays next week.

## I don't know what's wrong with my blogger site as there are problems in displaying the comments section. It will never display the comment sheet as it's on reload all the time. :((


  1. Hi Nur
    it is great,Nur. you've done a good job since you started working on your project. I also have the same technical problem when I try to reload the section of comments even I have a good connection. Hope this will not affect interaction.
    Have a nice weekend
    Sidi, Morocco

    1. Hi Sidi,

      The connection is fine. I think the problem is with blogger.
      At times the comment box will appear but there are also times where you have to reload a couple of times until it appears.

      Good luck for the project too!

  2. Hi Nur,
    I hope your students eagerly accept the idea of working in mixed gender groups! ;)
    That sounds interesting having to write one essay together! I usually do not give such tasks, because somehow my students leave it for one student to do all the job, while the rest are enjoying themselves, especially when it is a part of their hometask. Will you control the way they work on the essays this way or another?

    1. Hi Yuliya,

      I think the response so far about the mixed gender group is just OK. They do not seem happy about it nor do they rebel.

      I think aside from the gender I'll focus on the development of their writing more.
      Thanks Yuliya


  3. Hi Nur,

    I like how you reflected on what you’ve done so far. Your checklist looks like a report. I also think your students will enjoy blogging and by writing an essay in groups they’ll have a chance to learn from each other.

    Good luck
    Zarifa, Uzbekistan

    1. I hope so too.
      They're not really keen to write unless we tell them it is a form of assessment.

      Good luck for your project too!


  4. Hi Nur,
    I was glad to know that you started working on your project. I do appreciate your motivation and interaction.
    I'd like to add a question about the checklist: Don't you think it's more like a plan or a report as Zarifa mentioned? Just adding some specific items for a checklist will be more effective.
    Overall, it's excellent that you started your work on the project.
    Best wishes of success.
    Nihmat, Lebanon

    1. Thanks for your suggestion Nihmat.
      this post was a report on what I have done.
      I think I can use the ones written for this post to check whether I have managed to explain them all in the report.

      Good luck to you too!
