Saturday 4 February 2012

W-e-a-k 4

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Week 4 started miserably for me as I was surprised of the grades that I received for Week 3. Feeling a bit disappointed, I found out that the problem was due to the misinterpretation on which task we had to focus on for the first half of the week. It caused a tremendous defect and I hope that things can be clearer in the future to avoid unwanted incidences similar to what I faced in week 3. I also believe that good connection with fellow online classmates via e-mail can help us especially in reminding us about the tasks at hand.


Although I was emotionally weak for 2 days after the results was announced I managed to recuperate and set myself up positively. I constantly had to remind myself of the objective of joining this course and that the grades were just grades.


So, what was valuable in week 4 is the variation of ESL websites that we can select specifically for reading and writing. I linked a few on my delicious page so I can refer back to them. I also found that my delicious page is getting so disorganized to I am going to do a bit of housekeeping by the end of this week by using the stacks.


The project Task which was directed by Jodi helped me to observe my class and find a problem that my students faced. Aside from that, the process analyzing taught me to spend some time to review the choices I have made so that I can determine the further steps to be implemented in the study and have a clear outline on the objective of the study.

So, all is well



  1. Dear Nur,
    You are so very clever, and creative, and talented, and there are so many other epithets I could apply to you. Please, do not get disappointed about the points - they are just the points and nothing more. If you do not concentrate on points, you will enjoy getting the precious experience of brainstorming in an international team! If I misquote one person, do not get points, get experience!!!
    But of course I understand your feelings!!!
    Wish you good luck next week!!!

    1. Thanks Yuliya for the advice.
      All the best to you too!


  2. Dear Nur,
    Don't worry so much about the grades. Of course, It's pleasant when we get good ones, but we have to pass through different experiences. Thus, we can better understand what some of the students feel when they get a lower grade.:)
    Take it easy!
    Good luck, Ludmila

  3. Hello Nur,

    I do believe strongly that you are a bright, hardworking lady!! There is no doubt that you are great!! Don't panic, you will get much better grades this week!! Grades are not everything, we look for knowledge and learning!
    Thank you!!


  4. Dear Nur,
    We are all learning from the hardships we meet! And your worry is a sign of your professionalism!
    I wish all the best in the coming weeks!

    1. Dear Nur.I believe that success is sometime-if not most of the time is measured with the effect you create on others.The lay out of your blog as well as your magic touch combining words+picture always tell a lot.persistence and effort will always make our dreams come true.Cheer up and keep the good work

  5. Hi Nur,

    Although it's very painful for a hardworking and innovative student like you, Nur, to receive an unsatisfactory mark (as you said), I'm glad to know that you overcome the pain and make more steady steps toward distinction again. You are as Yulia said very creative and witty. I often liked your comments and blog posts. Don't be let down easily and look on the bright side to be able to revitalize yourself and proceed successfully.
    Life is a bumpy road and only the resourceful is capable of reaching its end depite hindrances.
    Nur, forget about the past week and move towards the coming tasks tasks with self-confidence and a smile instead of a tear. Please wipe out this tear and remove the photo in order to cheer not only me but the whole class.
    Best wishes,
    Nihmat, Lebanon

  6. Hi Nur,

    Reading your post I felt like rushing to express my sympathy and appreciation of what you have been doing, but when I scrolled down to the comments, I could see that so many people have already said what I was going to say.
    I wish just to repeat that dealing with our emotions and focusing on the objectives is also a skill, and you coped with this lesson too.

    I too had difficult time at the beginning, before I set my priorities. Although I do not respect them all the time, I feel more secure. However, what I am doing sometimes contradicts what I have to do. Often I feel like taking part in the discussion, but I have to do my reading and writing first. C'est la vie...

    Looking forward to talking with you again soon,

    Val, Belarus
